


The World Confederation for Physiotherapy (WCPT) define physiotherapy as: 
“Physical therapy is concerned with identifying and maximizing quality of life and movement potential within the spheres of promotion, prevention, treatment/intervention, habilitation and rehabilitation.

Physiotherapists assess and diagnose the problem, then plan and provide treatment programs that aim to restore function or minimize dysfunction after disease or injury. This is achieved through a combination of manual therapy, movement training and the use of physical and electro physical agents.
Physiotherapy started its journey in SFMMKPJSH&NC on 5th March, 2016. From the beginning physiotherapy services is providing quality physiotherapy treatment to the patient of different condition.

•    Out patient 
•    In patient 

Area of Service: 

•    Musculoskeletal and orthopedics condition Such as  Neck pain, Back pain, Prolapsed Inter-vertebral Disc (PLID), Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Frozen shoulder, Tennis elbow and other       Musculoskeletal conditions
•    Sports Injury such as Ankle Sprain, Ligament and meniscus injuries, shoulder injuries, sprain and strain
•    Neurological condition such as  Stroke, Head injury, GBS, Parkinson disease, Nerve injury/entrapment, Bell’s Palsy/ Facial Palsy, Poly-neuropathy/Peripheral neuropathy, Spinal Cord Injury,           Motor neuron disease (MND)
•    Urological condition such LUTS, Chronic Prostatitis, Urinary Incontinence, ED, decompensated urinary bladder
•    Gynecological disease condition such as antenatal and post-natal care, abdominal weakness, pelvic floor dysfunction, urinary incontinence and post-menopausal care.
•    Pediatric Condition Down syndrome, Myopathy, Cystic fibrosis, Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
•    Cardiovascular and pulmonary physiotherapy
•    ENT condition such as Trigeminal neuralgia, tempero-mandibular disorder etc

Online Appointment